White Steel #1 Montanren Deba Knife
Our premium deba designed around sharpness and performance.
With a polished finish and striking appearance, this knife works well in any kitchen for fish filleting.
The montan on the back strikes out, creating a wonderful contrast.
Deba knives are thick, designed for heavier work if required.
A yew wood handle with octagonal grip allows the knife to be gripped easily and with confidence.
The back grain of the handle can be just as striking to admire.
Montanren Series. Handmade Japanese knives made in JAPAN.
Mioroshi Deba, Deba, Yanagiba
  • 將圖像加載到圖庫查看器中, White Steel #1 Montanren Deba Knife
  • 將圖像加載到圖庫查看器中, Our premium deba designed around sharpness and performance.
  • 將圖像加載到圖庫查看器中, With a polished finish and striking appearance, this knife works well in any kitchen for fish filleting.
  • 將圖像加載到圖庫查看器中, The montan on the back strikes out, creating a wonderful contrast.
  • 將圖像加載到圖庫查看器中, Deba knives are thick, designed for heavier work if required.
  • 將圖像加載到圖庫查看器中, A yew wood handle with octagonal grip allows the knife to be gripped easily and with confidence.
  • 將圖像加載到圖庫查看器中, The back grain of the handle can be just as striking to admire.
  • 將圖像加載到圖庫查看器中, Montanren Series. Handmade Japanese knives made in JAPAN.
  • 將圖像加載到圖庫查看器中, Mioroshi Deba, Deba, Yanagiba

白一鋼 紋鍛錬 出刃

出貨 在結帳時計算。




*如果希望以日語選刻名字,請先輸入名字 、再來輸入“JP”,並在其後輸入您名字的語言(例如:“Agethe-JP French”)。我們會將您的片假名(用於外來語的五十音表)名字刻在刀上。由於片假名是基於發音,因此如果未指定原國籍的語言,我們將採用美式英語發音。



What is Montanren?

Montanren refers to the wavy pattern on the back side of the blade, where the boundary between soft iron and steel is wavy like the blade pattern of a Japanese sword. This requires a high level of skill, and there are only a limited number of craftsmen in Sakai who are able to do this.

White Steel #1 Montanren Series

White Steel #1 Montanren Series

White Steel #1 (Shirogami #1) is the closest steel to tamahagane used in swords and is ideal for blades with high carbon content and few impurities.

Because of this, heat treatment in the Hizukuri process (Heating and Hammering to make the final shape of the knives) is extremely difficult, and there are only a limited number of craftsmen in Sakai who can forge this steel.
At Sakai Ichimonji Mitsuhide, the sharpness, which is the greatest feature of White Steel #1, is maximized by the best craftsmen’s Hizukuri Process. The blade is made with excellent forging technology to create a tenacious blade that is easy to sharpen while providing a long-lasting cutting edge.

These knives are filled with the essence of Sakai Ichimonji Mitsuhide, who always place importance on sharpness.

產品編號 實際刀片長度(毫米) 全長(毫米) 總重量(克)
1d9s-150 150 295 260
1d9s-165 165 320 290
1d9s-180 180 340 355
1d9s-195 195 360 420
1d9s-210 210。 375 450
1d9s-225 225 395 500
1d9s-240 240 410 565
刀片形狀 刀刃材料 手柄材料
Single Edged

Single Edged

White Steel #1 Yew octagonal handle


出刃刀常用於切魚片。它的刀刃是所有日本刀中最重的,能夠輕松劈開魚骨和魚頭。專業人員使用 210 毫米的刀片切割鯛魚和黃尾魚,使用 150 毫米的刀片切割馬鮫魚等小魚。家用刀通常為 150 毫米。



白一鋼最接近傳統的日本玉鋼。它非常純淨,碳含量非常高,可以最大限度地保留邊緣。 白一鋼是白二鋼的碳含量更高的版本,使鋼材更硬、更易切割,但也更難磨銳。 這是堺一文字光秀最常推薦給那些尋求終極邊緣和鋒利度的人的鋼材類型。


Yew octagonal handle




鍛焊刀片本質上是由多個鋼坯製成的刀片。技術和鋼材組合有很多變化。 在最簡單的情況下,鍛焊刀片是將兩塊鋼坯加熱並錘打在一起形成一個整體。然後用錘子將鋼材塑造成所需的刀片形狀。經過硬化和淬火處理,然後進行研磨、銳化和拋光。鍛焊刀片比沖壓刀片具有更高的強度和邊緣保持力。


堺一文字光秀免費提供日語漢字或英語字母雕刻服務。請說明您的偏好。更多詳情, 請訪問這裏


日本堺地區的制劍業誕生至今已有 600 年歷史。堺市一文字三秀的工匠們繼續發揚這一傳統,生產出日本最好的刀片。
在這裏,誕生了 "只需切割 "即可完成一盤生魚片的文化,以及將鋒利表現為 "味道 "的文化。
70 年來,在被譽為日本廚房的大阪廚房設備購物區,我們一直將堺的工匠精神與廚師們的熱情緊密聯系在一起。



How to Choose a Japanese Kitchen Knife for Beginners

