Wooden Saya For Deba 165mm
Wooden Saya For Deba 225mm
We do not sell Saya sheaths by themselves.
  • 將圖像加載到圖庫查看器中, Wooden Saya For Deba 165mm
  • 將圖像加載到圖庫查看器中, Wooden Saya For Deba 225mm
  • 將圖像加載到圖庫查看器中, We do not sell Saya sheaths by themselves.


出貨 在結帳時計算。



*Please choose the saya length that matches your knife's blade length.

*Only available for knives purchased in-store/online in the same order.

Saya sales without linking knives will be canceled.

As our saya are handmade, they are tested and modified to fit knives sold with them, ensuring a better experience. Saya sold separately from their matching knives carry the risk of not fitting, even if it is for a knife originally from us. This is due to variance in blade length and thickness across models. Saya sold without their appropriate knife in the same order will be canceled.

If you order saya for Sakai Ichimonji Mitsuhide knives you have previously bought, contact us immediately after the order to let us know which knife it is. If we have that knife, we will test the saya to one in-store. Due to variance in handmade knives, a perfect fit is not guaranteed. You will have to adjust the saya yourself if it does not fit. We accept no responsibility, exchanges, or returns on saya if they do not fit correctly. Placing a saya order implies accepting these conditions.

Read our saya policy for further information.

*This Saya is for Japanese-style handle Deba knives only. They cannot be used for Western-styled handle Deba knives such as "G-Line VG-1 Deba".



日本堺地區的制劍業誕生至今已有 600 年歷史。堺市一文字三秀的工匠們繼續發揚這一傳統,生產出日本最好的刀片。
在這裏,誕生了 "只需切割 "即可完成一盤生魚片的文化,以及將鋒利表現為 "味道 "的文化。
70 年來,在被譽為日本廚房的大阪廚房設備購物區,我們一直將堺的工匠精神與廚師們的熱情緊密聯系在一起。

How to Choose a Japanese Kitchen Knife for Beginners

