Creating Culture: Volume Eight
Our president Ryo Tanaka addresses the ever-changing landscape of collecting feedback in an era of cultural consumption and change
Creating Culture: Volume Seven
Our president reflects on a very busy 2024, and addresses the challenges of creating culture in the years ahead!
Reverse Clove Mizu-Honyaki by Nakagawa: 2025 Orders Closed
Nakagawa Satoshi opened up custom orders for his Reverse Clove/Sakachoji Mizu-honyaki knives for 2025, selling out within 24 hours!
New Year 2025 Celebration Trading Hours
So that our team can have a break, we will have modified trading hours around the New Year's Day period, including some closed days.
Creating Culture: Volume Six
Our president discusses cultural consumption and its relation to "local identity", and how we can all work together to preserve kitchen tool shopping streets
Creating Culture: Volume Five
Our president reflects on completing a major project, which took three years from start to finish. This project helps us create tool culture in Osaka!
Creating Culture: Volume Four
Our third generation president, Ryo Tanaka talks about challenge of "cultural consumption" present in modern tool usage society.
사카이 이치몬지 미츠히데 기프트 카드 지금 구매 가능
사카이 이치몬지 미츠히데에서 기프트 카드를 지금 구매하세요! 평생 쓸 수 있는 일본식 주방 칼로 누군가에게 평생의 선물을 주세요.
Early Closure: Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Due to a private event, we will close early on Wednesday, 11 September. Normal trading hours will resume the following day.
Creating Culture: Volume Three
Our third generation president, Ryo Tanaka talks about the first challenge knifemakers face in Japanese food and tool culture.
Creating Culture: Volume Two
Our third generation president, Ryo Tanaka continues to discuss the concept and goal of "creating culture" from the perspective of a traditional knifemaker.
Creating Culture: Volume One
Our third generation presdient, Ryo Tanaka begins to share his thoughts about the traditional kitchen knife industry, an industry our family has been involved with since 1953!
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