Double Edged Deba Knives
While deba knives are traditionally single-edged, double-edged versions exist for those who do more chopping work or who worry about knife chips. Taller and much thicker than the gyuto, these knives make quick work of tougher, larger foods. Truly designed for heavy prep work, they have a home in any professional kitchen. Try a Western-style double-edged deba from Sakai Ichimonji Mitsuhide at your home or workplace and see the difference!
What is a Double Edged Deba Knife?
A Deba Knife is a Japanese knife specialized for filleting fish. Generally, most Deba Knives have a "single-edged blade" which can cut fish from the bone with precision. The single-edged blade has a higher risk of chipping when chopping than double-edged. Double-edged Deba Knives are for those who often chop or have chipping as a concern.
How to Choose a Double Edged Deba Knife
Since this is a prep knife, toughness is more important than a fine sharpness. The sturdy steel and weighted thickness make it easier to use than hard and sharp blades.

How to Choose a Japanese Kitchen Knife for Beginners
Japanese kitchen knives are famous for their design, history, and cutting performance. This guide will help you select the best knife for your needs.